[Best Illustration (Painted/Drawn)]
First Place (Tie)
Robert Frey
Medium: pencil, marker and pastels (10"x15")
We've received scores of artwork, and in nearly all the entries there was a common similarity: many portraits of Indy and other characters featured reproductions based upon preexisting artwork and still photos. Yet while they may be well designed and carefully rendered, Robert's work here really struck us because it did something that few pieces had: it was something ORIGINAL, and entirely, inarguably NEW. His ink illustrations here evoke exciting comic book sequences and film storyboards, while keenly capturing the spirit of the world of Indiana Jones.

First Place (Tie)
Bryant Griffin
Medium: acrylics and colored pencil (30"x12")
Bryant's work, by sharp contrast, lovingly represents a more traditional approach -- in this case, evoking the old-fashioned montage style posters of the 30's and 40's, as well as the more recent contributions from masters such as Drew Struzan and Richard Amsel. Yet Bryant's work clearly goes beyond a mere poster; it seems more appropriate for a large mural or movie marquee, showing passers-by a wonderfully rendered montage of all the three films. The design of the piece, layout, and even the washed-color style are brilliantly done. If this piece can be summed up in two words: high spirited.

NOTE: Rather than arguing over which piece was better and being forced into a compromise, Micah and Adam BOTH immediately felt that Robert's illustration and Bryant's montage design were both equally grand... and therefore both deserving FIRST PLACE within this category.

Second Place
Indiana Jones Trilogy Co-Stars
Ed Draganski
Medium: pen and ink w/ Dr. Martin's watercolor dye (12"x18")
Ed's illustration makes wonderful use of lined ink with washed color, showing a montage of Indy's best partners -- Marion, Willie, Dad and the like. The splash of color in the background also works nicely. Wonderfully executed.

Third Place
Mike Marosy
Medium: oil on canvas (24"x14")
A wonderful painting, featuring Indy as he appeared in all three films, with a spectacular rendition of the RAIDERS' dig sunset scene dramatically illuminating the background. Mike's use of color here is extraordinary.

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[Indyfan.com] Site Author: Micah Johnson
Page Author: Micah Johnson
Created: Sept 17, 2000
Last modified: September 24, 2000