Indiana Jones and the Poet of the Lost Ark

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Posted by Da Shaginator from on February 25, 2000 at 00:40:35:

Done in pentameter, iambic pentameter turned out to be too hard. I hate Middle English poetry, anyway. Thank you, Goodsport, except for that whole Golden Spider thing, getting some participation on this forum in something new is like wiping your butt with the book of Romans and still expecting to get into Heaven. Wonder what scene this could take place in, and who's POV it could be from... Hmmm...

1 There's a spider crawling,
On the American's back.
I should tell him 'cos,
He could kill me with that whips crack.
5 I'll probably get payed for this,
But right now the Jovitos are gonna make me piss...
Holy shit, not another trap.
So Forrestal has hit the dust,
10 Guess he went from glory to ditches in a crush.
How can he smell so bad if he's mostly rust?
Whip goes crack again,
Cross the pit, my friend,
I'll be right outside 'cos I've got a bad feeling.
15 Now it's gone and my pride is healing,
Surely there's nothing to fear here.
Oops, I was wrong according to that spear.
Sure you know what you are doing, senor?
Well, you go first, por favor.
20 Step by step,
I bit my lip.
That American is going to make me rich.
What the Hell's he doing now?
25 Scattering dust around?
Whatever gets him through the night...
Yes, he's got it, I don't feel so up-tight!
Uh oh, what's that rumbling noise?
30 Did I eat today?
Better make a run for a safer place...
Swing the gap, again,
Uhn, my ass just got hurt,
35 Give me the idol, I say,
No time to argue, that's the way.
Exits closing now, adios senor.
Now I go make my family royalty.
40 Stay out of the light don't mean a thing...

You can guess at what happens next.
-Shaggy Ginsberg

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