Fate of Atlantis - Steve McCrary

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Posted by Nick from 204.st-louis-105-110rs.mo.dial-access.att.net on April 20, 1999 at 12:16:09:

: I'm playing the action path, where Indy's alone. I've made it to the dig site. I couldn't get the sunstone from Trottier, all I could get was his business card. I didn't get the sunstone from Omar, either. Now I've climbed down the ladder at the dig site. I can't use the suntone on the map, because I don't have it, and whenever I try to get back out, the German balloon shoots at me? Did I mess up? How do I get the sunstone in the action path? Anyone, please E-mail me with the answer. thanks in advance.

: ~Steve M.

I think the thing that stops your progress is the fact that once you climb down to the room in the dig site you don't acquire the Worldstone which you use to get out of there and go to Crete.
To get the Worldstone go to the wall with the painting and push the painting of the small round object. Once you get that stone use it to open a secret door and get out without having any Nazi shooting at you!

Here is more:

The following apply to to the action-fists mode

MONTE CARLO: All you do is here is talk to Trottier and get his business card.

ALGIERS: Go to the servant in the back alley and give him the business card. Follow him to Omar’s house (follow the dot of his red fez).
Now, you have two different options to get rid of the Nazi soldier; either beat him up or use your whip with the hanging crockery over his
head. Pick up the bamboo pole. Use the bamboo stick on the cloth to get the map. Ride the camel to dig site. If you get stopped by Nazi
soldiers beat them up.

DIG SITE: Climb down the ladder into the dark room, and get everything you can pick: Sharp wood thing (ship rib), blunt wood thing
(wooden peg), clay thing (clay jar). Push the little metal thing to turn on the generator. Now, go to the painting and push the painting of the
small round object. Pick up the Worldstone in the secret opening in the ark. Use the ship rib on the crumpled wall. Use the Worldstone with
the wooden peg on the wall. Turn the stone disk as described in the LDP and press the peg to reveal a secret door. Afterwards pick up the
Sunstone (not the wooden peg). Enter the door to get outside. Talk to the Nazi. Use whip to get rid of the machine gun. Beat him up. Use the
German balloon in the tents and head north to Crete.

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