Re: Get on with your lives

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Posted by Michaelson from on May 05, 1999 at 15:11:58:

In Reply to: Get on with your lives posted by MacGyver on May 05, 1999 at 05:26:47:

: Just to set the record straight for all you out there, Gary
: White did NOT produce the fedora worn by Ford for the Last
: Crusade, as he would like you to believe. The fedoras for
: ALL 3 FILMS were produced by Herbert Johnson of London. I
: personally know all of the people responsible for the costume
: items, and am in possession of all of the original costume items
: and have been collecting them for years before you children
: leaked all this information to the Internet.

: Gary White's hats are...nice, but in no way do they compare to
: a real fedora from Herbert Johnson. Please do not fall victim
: to his claim, and by all means do not pay $395 for a fake when
: you can get the real thing for half the price.

: Stop fussing over these minute, idiosycratic details about the
: costume (brim width, jacket length, Harrison Ford's underwear
: size under the trousers, the exact number of stitches in the shirt, etc. ) and get on with your lives. You have all made collecting this outfit a complete bore and it no longer holds any interest to me. I'm just glad I obtained everything in quantity long before you all made it so dead common by blabbing everything to the Web.

: And another thing...NONE of you on this board would have any items
: of the costume if it wasn't for a very good friend of mine who tracked down the shirt and trousers years ago with lots of hard
: work, persistence, and patience.

: Final words: Get on with your lives, and by all means, get a girlfriend (or boyfriend).

: Signed,

: A Longtime Observer and Disgusted Collector.

I totally understand your frustration, but don't paint everyone with such a wide brush, my friend. I, too, have been at this since '81 when in my late 20's, and have collected as much as you probably have. Let's face it, though, the days of beating the bushes for ANY information regarding the Indy franchise is gone now. That sense of accomplishment in finding that hard to find original item for your collection is gone, as this information is now available at the touch of a button, and FAST. I found the very same information regarding the pants and shirt that your "friend" did many years ago, but didn't see the need to chase that grail down, as money was tight (not that it isn't now) and had to wait. And let's face it, until the internet came around, WHO would I share the information with? I didn't know there were any other crazies like me even out there! Until there is more information regarding Indy IV, a hobbist can only continue to "tinker" with the current information and iron out the kinks. What harm is there in that pursuit? If you've become so jaded (and I'll admit I have a little around the edges myself), you may want to quietly auction off some of your items on eBay and invest your time and money in other pursuits to keep things interesting. You sound like you need to move on yourself. Best of luck. Regards. Michaelson

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