Jar Jar Binks Stinks

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Posted by Sallah from kew136.inw.net on May 21, 1999 at 19:18:24:

I hate to do this on an Indy site, but I need to vent.

How could George Lucas have created both Darth Maul and the obnoxious Jar Jar Binks? I had to try my best to ignore him so that I could enjoy the rest of the movie. His walk, facial expressions and gestures were so exaggerated and annoying. I haven't even mentioned his voice yet. What is he supposed to be anyway - Jamaican? Retarded? Both? Jar Jar makes the Ewoks look like a study in subtlety. Please, please no more Jar Jar in Episode II. Or III. Or VII, VIII or, well you get the picture. No more Jar Jar. Thanks.

Oh, by the way I liked the rest of the movie. Except for those stupid Trade Federation guys. But don't get me started . . .

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