Re: Herbert Johnson...very upset!

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Posted by I'm the third guy! from on May 22, 1999 at 08:28:32:

In Reply to: Herbert Johnson...very upset! posted by David Zaritsky on May 21, 1999 at 17:20:27:

: I am a bit upset at Herbert Johnson...I ordered an Indy hat some time ago and it was delivered stacked with three other hats to another custoner in Georgia...if it wasn't for the honesty of that other customer I would never receive my hat and neither would the third gentleman. I paid quite a bit for my hat AND shipping and to have this type of shipping conduct is unacceptable. Three hats being sent stacked on top of each other to ONE person....what were they thinking!!! And because they sent them stacked they did not crease and bash the hats crown AT ALL! We all specified we wanted this done and were told " No Problem..." Well, there is a problem...and I think they have a bit of explaining to do....

I just received my HJ fedora as well, courtesy of Dale Dassel (many
of you may recognize his name from previous posts). Dale was very
kind and helpful, fully realising the owners of the other hats he
received would be just as anxious as he to receive them... only another
Indyfan would truly understand :-)

A tip of my fedora to Dale and a crack of my whip to Herbert Johnson.

Professor Jones

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