Re: A question for all those who remember 1981...

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Posted by Goodsport from on July 29, 1999 at 11:32:26:

In Reply to: Re: A question for all those who remember 1981... posted by Michaelson on July 29, 1999 at 11:05:46:

: Different time, different things going on when the movies were out. In '81 we were just recovering from the Iranian hostage crisis. Reagan was new in office, and things were pretty dicey with the Soviets at that time. In every showing of Raiders I attended, there was a cheer (though "politically incorrect" now, being the warm and cuddly creatures we've become here in the US of A (grins)) from every crowd whenever Indy shot the swordsman, as that was the mood that prevailed in the US just after the hostages were released. We also had problems going on in Central America that had Reagan position a battleship just off the shore to keep the peace. I still have a great political cartoon from that period, showing the battleship just offshore of the country in question, a radio man sitting a small table saying, "Mr. President, we're in postion", and Reagan replying, "never mind, I'm going in alone!" He was wearing a Wested leather jacket, had a whip in hand, his pistol belt on, and was putting on a fedora on his head and walking out into the jungle. Priceless. 1981 was a darker period, not a whole lot of great memories to couple with Raiders other than the movie itself. Regards. Michaelson

You're totally right! I remember the early 1980's (up until maybe '83 or so) as a pretty dark time - totally opposite of the late 1980's (bright and full of hope... at least it was for me), and that's part of what contributed to the more darker mood of Raiders as opposed to the more upbeat mood of The Last Crusade.

As much as it would have been better for Harrison Ford's age issue (as opposed to making an Indy film now, since Harrison is pretty old now), I'm glad that they didn't make an Indiana Jones film in the early 1990's - for that was also a very dark time (particularly 1992, although in a somewhat different way than from the early-1980's). With all the militant political-correctnes running rampant then, it would have been difficult for Indy to do anything Indy!


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