Re: A semi-religious question about the Ark...

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Posted by James from on August 30, 1999 at 07:42:52:

In Reply to: A semi-religious question about the Ark... posted by ROB T. on August 30, 1999 at 04:02:42:

Interesting stuff. However, I think there are a lot of religious people, both Christian and Jewish who spend a great deal of time in the Bible, and probably the only way the Ark could be truly forgotten is by some catacalysmic event. In that case, Raiders of the Lost Ark probably wouldn't matter (although I hope the movie doesn't "disappear" any time in my lifetime!)

: I bought this book today, Reader's Digest "Illustrated Dictionary of Bible Life & Times," and read something intriguing about the Ark of the Covenant that I wanted to share with you and get your reaction.

: It says here that according to Jeremiah 3:16-17 in the Old Testament, Jeremiah prophesied that a day would come when the Ark shall not come to mind, or be remembered, or missed; nor shall another one be made. At that time Jerusalem shall be called the throne of the Lord.
: I don't know how religious any of you are (I personally believe the Bible to be the word of God) but do you think the Indy movies are in some small way a part of this prophecy? Do you think that in some small way God caused the movie "Raiders" to be made as part of a larger plan? That as long as people remember the Ark, by whatever means they remember it, then Jeremiah's prophecy cannot come to pass?
: I'm not saying that we are interfering with God's plan by discussing "Raiders." On the contrary, maybe in some small way we are preserving the Earth from the end days by discussing this movie.

: What do you think? Am I just a kook?

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