Toy Syndicate Responds

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Posted by Micah from on September 01, 1999 at 16:32:57:

Here's a message Toy Syndicate wanted to pass along to those awaiting their boss new Indy figure...

Dear Indiana Jones Collector:

Our initial shipment of Indys were shipped using a freight service which
delayed our shipments of the action figure. Instead of a 10-day service,
which we had requested, it was inadvertently shipped under standard service
which takes 4 weeks. But to remedy the situation, we are express mailing the
next shipment from Japan and shipping out the orders of those who
pre-ordered first in about a week.

We do understand that there are some of you who are quite anxious to receive
the figure, especially after seeing some figures surfacing on the net.
Please realize that Toys McCoy did release some figures initially to fulfill
small orders and released the larger orders much later in increments. Since
ToySyndicate ordered hundreds of figures, our Japanese counterparts simply
could not handle the volume. Also be aware that the figures were actually
released about 3 weeks ago, not counting Toys McCoy pre-release of a small

If you pre-ordered the figure from, your order will
eventually be filled.
ToySyndicate will gladly offer a full refund if you decide to cancel your
order. Please understand by doing this, your figure will no longer be

We appreciate your patience. And apologize for any delays.
If you have any further questions, please e-mail us at .


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