Re: Shouldn't they do this for Indy IV?

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Posted by J from on October 10, 1999 at 13:09:18:

In Reply to: Shouldn't they do this for Indy IV? posted by Short Round on October 10, 1999 at 09:51:33:

First, didn't "Wild, Wild West" have a bigger budget than "TPM"? "Titanic" and "Waterworld" were also far more expensive.

Anyway, like the "Star Wars" series, the "Indiana Jones" movies" have always had those nice little touches that are fun to look for. Some examples: the restaurant in "TOD" is called "Club Obi-Wan", Indy comes across a sign for the Ark of the Covenant in "LC", and in "Raiders..." I still can't find 3PO and R2 on the wall in the scene where Indy and Sallah lift up the Ark (hopefully, I'll see them in the widesreen version in a little while).

"Indy IV" will more than likely continue the trend. The important thing is that they fit the story, though. Seeing a group of "E.T"'s in the Senate scene was funny but it also made sense, as did the Sand People shooting at the podracers and the already mentioned reference to the Ark in "LC". The worst thing to see happen would be for these little in-jokes to go overboard and detract from the movie itself. I doubt that would happen, though.

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