Re: How about SPF?

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Posted by Moribundman from on November 01, 1999 at 18:57:05:

In Reply to: Don't miss him... posted by Micah on November 01, 1999 at 17:28:04:

Completely agree with the "Noooooooos". The old Indy's were vaguely amusing, but not at all Indy. Young Indy was mostly cool, but occassionly I felt the same about him. Still, that's forgivable, and now I've seen the YI vids all the way through I think they are great. Especially the little Lucasfilm in jokes (2 in Attack of the Hawkmen; "I have a bad feeling about this" and the hat fluttering back to him after his parachute jump.
On the other hand, I *do* hope they include a few little YI references in the new movie... Maybe even a Crusade style flshback sequence featuring SPF as a 30 year old Indy with Abner or Marion... Or meeting Sallah... Although this is almost certainly not going to happen. Still, if it fitted the plot, such a gimmick might attract a whole new audience to the Young Indy vids. And we all know what an entrpreneur GL is!!!

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