The latest from Harrison Ford on an INDIANA JONES 4...

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Posted by Nick from on November 22, 1999 at 16:44:14:

The latest from Harrison Ford on an INDIANA JONES 4...

Hey folks, Harry here. Well... I've been hearing quite a bit about what's
happening concerning this film and the... hold ups. One source at
Paramount claims that Steven and George have a great script sitting in
front of them, but Harrison is a bit hesitant to put the hat on again and
doesn't want to do it. Meanwhile, in the public eye, the following is what
Harrison says...


Thought you maybe could use this, from UK’s "Big Breakfast" show on Channel 4 11/22/99. When Harrison
Ford was asked

"When is Indiana Jones coming back?"

he replied

"Steven and George will not be available until 2005, and I don’t know whether I’ll be fit or interested at that
point, but I hope it could happen before that."

Reason to be cautiously optimistic I think, as long as he ditches the ear-ring to play our favourite whip-cracking



So... What are we to think? Ford claims to want to do the film sooner
rather than later. Why would Steven not be available till 2005? Who
needs George on set everyday? I mean... isn't he basically just one of
the producers? I'm sure Steven could get by without his direct constant
help. So... with that in mind, why would Steven not be ready after
MEMOIRS OF A GEISHA, which would place filming sometime late
summer 2001? Well... let's keep our fingers crossed, that is... if you want
to see one last Indy film. I believe there could be one last great one, but
if it isn't GREAT, then let us have that last shot of them all riding off into
the sunset... That's a bit fitting don't ya think?

Folks... Harry here again to answer the bit about Harrison Ford would be
TOO OLD TO PLAY INDY in 2005. Did anyone see THE ROCK? That was
what a 66 year old Sean Connery could do. In 2005, Harrison Ford would
be 63. I don't know which script LUCASFILM and SPIELBERG are
thinking of going with, but in my eyes... you would have to set the film
sometime in either the late forties or early fifties. Henry Jones Jr has
long since dropped the moniker Indiana... Some past pupil of his wants
his aid on something... It's just a simple thing... that becomes unsimple. I
would love to see an older Indiana. A character with... old football
injuries. Slower, more pained. I could fanboy out and talk and write for
hours about what I'd do, but ya know... What would you do with a 63
year old Indiana Jones?

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