My GOODNESS that's sweet...

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Posted by Ulla from on December 18, 1999 at 10:19:36:

In Reply to: Its time to face Y2K. EVERYBODY please read this posted by Reggie on December 17, 1999 at 20:00:29:

: No, Im not an extreamist with 12,000 cans of Denty Moore Beef Stew stored in a Bond Villian style Subterainian Shelter Under My house. Something could happen, and maybe nothig at all. But I just wanted to say if someting does happen, I had a blast. I was glad to have stumbled upon this blesed site, and its been great to talk to you guys and gals. And thanks for all the info on Indy equipment,films,spoofs, and all else. I had fun. And thanks for supporting me to keep my fedora on at school and face all the slings and arows flung at me on a daily basis.
: -Reggie

: sallah: "Look after eachouther. I am already missing you"
: Indy: "You are my very good friend."-Sallah and Indy, Raiders of the Lost Ark

It is so sad that Indyfan might disappear, but who knows? Perhaps we will all find each other again in some other cyber-life? :-)
Pity I didn't get the internet sooner, as I've only been on the net for less than a year.
However, the Spirit of Indy will live on, past the fallen cities, overcoming computer crashes.
(Maybe we could all get each other's addresses if we really are that desperate [?])

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