Re: Wested's Indy Jacket plus

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Posted by Say What?? from on February 03, 2000 at 19:30:05:

In Reply to: Wested's Indy Jacket plus posted by Peter Botwright on February 02, 2000 at 20:01:08:

What's with the anger towards Lucas? Aren't you biting the hand that feeds you? Don't you intend to work on the next Star Wars films and the fourth Indy film if it ever gets made?

That just doesn't sound like a post from the Peter Botwright who is a near god on this forum.

My opinion only.

: The Indyfan Forum brought to the fans attention that I made the original jackets for Indiana Jones for which I thank you. I read the forum but rarely comment as I believe in free speech. But it appears that certain people who copy my jackets and maintain to be Official??
: supplier licensed by Lucas are attempting to mislead the true fans.
: Lets get one thing straight I made the jackets, Lucas made the film. I dont make films and Lucas does not make jackets. So any Jacket licenced by Lucas is only a copy of my jacket.I cant stop ripoff companies getting a licence to copy my jackets but YOU KNOW who made the real thing. Enough said.
: By the way yes we did make the costumes for the new STAR WARS and also the uniforms in THE MUMMY and SAVING PRIVATE RYAN and ENTRAPEMENT and 007BOND and I do have some originals.
: Sorry if I appear to be on my soapbox(English Expression)but I am proud of what I do and sometimes take offence.
: My support for the true fan is undeminished.
: Cheers Peter

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