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Posted by California Mike from 209-21-33-40.dialup.microweb.net on April 17, 2000 at 19:05:48:

In Reply to: Indy's Real Dad posted by Micah on April 17, 2000 at 17:24:43:

: : Remember, without him there would be no Indiana Jones.
yeah, and kids should love it when their parents are unreasonably unresponsive and greedy towards them because, heh, without the parents there would be no kid in the first place!

: I liken the nasty sentiments I sometimes read about Lucas to a child complaining that his parents won't yield to his demands. We want DVD... We want Indy IV.. and we can get kind of mean about it when it doesn't come.
--Of course, we're all exactly like a bunch of kids asking their parents for something!! What a great analogy!! Let's carry it further. The parent/Luca$ has denied his children quality products for no good reason all the while selling them tons of marketing garbage, and has concocted lame excuses that are obviously not true to defend himself (he must think all us children are too dumb to realize that Luca$/parents can be unreasonable jackasses). If he cared about his products, why sell tons of shoddy merchandise and inferior "special editions" all the while producing garbage like Jar Jar Binks. His crap about "waiting for a better medium" had better be an inside joke, since Luca$ doesn't mind turning out terrible video transfers and pan/scan editions.

Kind of like a child asking a parent for keys to the family car. When we don't get it, we stomp around a little bit and say bad things about them. That doesn't mean we don't appreciate everything they've ever done for us.
--Nobody here has ever posted that they don't appreciate the work Luca$ has done, but there's a lot of REALLY AWFUL stuff he's done that has been rightfully attacked. On the whole there's a lot more praise. Additionally, I've seen a lot more reason, thought, and logic in the attacks against Luca$'s marketing schemes and recent efforts than I've seen in the attempts to defend him, which consist mainly of "He's our daddy, he's produced all this great stuff, let's bow down and be thankful."

That last line sounded kind of patronizing, but since you so obviously intended your message to be read that way, I responded in kind.

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