Real life artefacts, relics and anecdotes from near my home town!

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Posted by Hannibal King from on July 06, 2000 at 10:50:46:

Hey there,

I was wondering whether anyone had Indy style legends within spitting distance of their homes. I come from a smallish market town in Scotland - roughly in between Glasgow and Edinburgh and there are a number of things that wouldn't be out of place in an Indy story.

1- The Lea Penny: This is a talisman that dates back to one of the crusades - I can't remember which one, but it was the one in which Richard the Lionheart died. A knight was charged with the task of taking his heart back to Britain in an airtight iron box for burial. This is where the name Lockhart comes from by the way. On his journey home he had a run in with some saracens and captured one of them. A young man who just happened to be a local potentate's son. AHe ransomed him off and part of it was this talisman which supposedly had healing powers. Now this became known as the Lea Penny and was housed in Lea Castle for years. The most recent records of it's use were in the 1950's and 60's the first when a young woman fell off her horse and was given the last rites and all, but the housekeeper bathed her head in water in which the LeaPenny was doused and she got better. The second was when there was an Anthrax scare and the local herds were given water in which the Lea Penny was dipped and were some of the few herds in Scotland that weren't touched. The Lockhart family's gone from the Castle now and I believe that it is someone from Florida that owns it now. I have no idea where the Lea Penny is.,

2- Roslyn Chapel - this is a chapel (funnily enough) which is connected to the Knights Templar and the Holy Grail. I'm not too au fait with this story but I know that this chapel is built to the same floor plan as the Temple of Solomon which was in Jerusalme and was sacked during the Crusades. Also it has relief pillars which are carved with flora and fauna from the Americas and these pillars predate Columbus' voyage by a couple of hundred years.

3- Drumelzier - supposedly Merlins birth place.

4- Rudolf Hess' plane landed in Eaglesham which isn't that far away, but it was brought to a large hangar in Carluke which is eight miles away and looked over by technicians and Raf Intelligence. The theories behind his arrival in Britain are myriad but the main one seems to be that he was trying to instigate a coomunist group to assassinate Churchill which would have then caused Britain to ally themselves with thye Germans in order to fight the Russian threat. This seems crazy, but many of the UK's highest members of society were not that horrified by Hitlers policies at that time.

5- Hamilton Mausoleum - is something of a folly. It is a huge domed pbuilding about 11 miles from where I come from and has the longest man made echo in the world. It has never been used because of this - the man who built it Lord Hamilton was into esoteric stuff and brought a genuine gol;den sarcophagus home from Egfypt which he was subsequently buried in. He is supposedly buried about 20 feet down and no-one knows quite where.

Anyway, that's the legends from round about my home town - what about all of yours? There are hundreds of ghost stories as well, but that's not really relevant as everywhere has good ghost yarns.




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