Re: Some thoughts on the new jacket...

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Posted by JuggleEwok from on September 09, 2000 at 10:43:47:

In Reply to: Re: Some thoughts on the new jacket... posted by on September 09, 2000 at 05:30:52:

: Nathan,
: You're not crazy at all, on the sword or the jacket. It's impressive to me that you went to such lenghts to acquire your knowledge of swords. I've done the same with Indy, and many other things, for over twenty years. Passion in this world, for anything, is rare and truly inspiring. People who lack this passion and a serious, devoted interest in something are, in my opinion, living a half-empty life. Life is all about the little things, and who you are is really just a collection of these little things. EVERYONE obsesses or at least maintains a connection with something from their childhood, or at least they should. NEVER listen to anyone that tells you otherwise. People may think we're all nuts or childish, but what the Hell do they know? I've heard it all; "freak", "weirdo", "comicbook geek", "Get a life" and so on and so forth.... These people are nothing more than hipocrites. I'll give you an example: Why is it that when a teenage kid dresses up like Marilyn Manson or something he's labled a freak or faggot and blamed for everything wrong with society, but a grown man who probablly performs heart surgery for a living can shave his head, paint it like a damn football helmet and that's acceptable? I live right on the border of Nebraska and I'll never forget the aftermath of their first National championship win. It was January and there they were, countless idiots, running half naked (no kidding) up and down Dodge street. They were vandalizing cars, grafitting everything in sight with Nebraska football prophaganda, swinging from streetlights, fighting and the list goes on and on. But my favorite thing? The endless chanting of "We won!!". One fat, beer swilling moron insisted on shouting this at me through my car window as he stopped to share with me his new found purpose for living. "We?", I said. "I don't remember seeing YOUR fat ass on the field". This was, of coruse, later called 'an exuberant show of community spirit'. Community spirit? I thought it just looked like destruction of public property, indecent exposure and disorderly conduct. My point is (yes, at last) that EVERYONE, at heart or openly, is a raving fanatic about something. Just because our interests fall beyond the majority we can not allow this to bring us down. That's my two cent rant for the day....

Wow... That was a wonderful rant for a mere two cents. :) Anyway, that hypocrisy thing is even worse around here. Whenever I'm wearing my fedora around, people always yell out comments about how stupid it is or whatnot, and yet, for some reason, they always want to try it on.

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