Oh, I meant...

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Posted by Fall Guy from pool0230.cvx7-bradley.dialup.earthlink.net on May 18, 2001 at 03:53:59:

In Reply to: Re: Name three things you don't want to see in Indy IV. posted by Inby on May 18, 2001 at 02:13:25:

... I love superstitious hokum! What would an Indy movie be without it?
Also, I don't mean I don't want to see another desert scene (though that's true, too). What I don't want is yet another dessert scene that involves snake surprise or mousse au cerveau.
PS: Memento, eh? Are you suggesting an Indy who suffers from amnesia? Just give it a couple more years...

: : 1. Indy Junior, Marcus Junior or any other Indy family or extended family.

: : 2. Indy shooting Polaroids of archaeological sites because in 15 minutes he won't remember which artifacts came from which excavation trenches.

: : 3. Bad blue screen effects or more than one brief moment of computer-generated putz.
: I LIKE superstitious hokum.
: Memento was a fun flick. There should be an Indy movie like it: creepy and ominously unsettling, harkening to unknown depths of ancient eldritch secrets.

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