Re: Schindler's

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Posted by Luger from on November 14, 1998 at 10:34:53:

In Reply to: Schindler's posted by Groo on November 14, 1998 at 07:18:18:

by WWII, starndard issue sidearm was P38 Walther, which was double
action and more suited to combat duty. Schindler's list did not
defict this fact correctly.
Also, Just because Nazis used them doesn't mean it is evil.
Volks Wagen was a pure Nazi invention, the Hitler's propaganda piece.
(literally Folks Wagon, Peoples Car), but Americans in 60's loved
them nonetheless, and it symbolized love, peace, flower power, etc.
(which is ironic).
compare to that, luger was not even a Nazi invention, (actually
invented by a naturalized German American (, Gregor Luger, so it is
sort of American invention). Used by Swiss, Sweden, China, Portugal,
US, etc, etc, it was not just a German phenomenan.
English army used it also, Vickers of Great Britain manufactured them
for there own use.

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