Re: Indy Novels

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Posted by Dale Dassel from on February 12, 1998 at 16:31:59:

In Reply to: Indy Novels posted by Swashbuckler on February 12, 1998 at 11:12:48:

: Hi Everybody,

: I just started readng the first of the Indy novels (Peril at Delphi) and I have some general questions for people who have read them. First, do they fit in seamlessly with previously established continuity (i.e. the Young Indy Chronicles, the Marvel & Dark Horse comics, etc.)? Second, since there are bunch of them out now, do Marian and Abner ever appear? And finally, which of them do you think are the best (and I guess 'Part B' would be: which of the three authors do you like best)? Oh, okay, and I guess number four would be: are there plans for any new novels, or are they all done?

: Thanks!

: -- Swashbuckler

Well, if you count the three movie novelizations, there are a
total of fourteen novels, with the fifteenth, and Mr. McCoy's last
coming in March or April, which will segue into Temple of Doom. I'm
sure I speak for all of us when I say that I greatly anticipate this
latest book because it will finally tie the series into the movie
trilogy, though a Shadows of the Empire-type Indy book would be great
because it would tie together two of the movies. Like how did Indy get
from Mayapore village in 1935 to the jungles of South America in 1936?
It would be an all-new adventure which connects the events in two
movies. We can only guess at what led Indy to seek out a golden idol
in South America. But now I'm straying off the subject...
The existing novels don't mention anything of the events in the
Chronicles or Indy's youth, except for brief mentions of Marion and
(In the MacGregor series, repeated references to Indy's lucky eagle
and the vision quest he took as a youth, which was first mentioned
in the Last Crusade novelization. The Marvel and Dark Horse comics
series are part of Indy's life, but don't intrude on the events in
the novels. As for personal favorites, I happen to like Seven Veils
the best, followed shortly by Interior World and Raiders. Actually,
they are all great books. I'll leave it up to you to decide which
one you like best. Without giving anything away, a few of the endings
and parts of the novels left me in tears, but that's what happens when
you are totally immersed in the whole world of the story. And yes,
the novels pretty much flow together, though not seamlessly. The two
Caidin books don't list the years they take place in at the beginning
of them like the other two series' do, but the back of White Witch
says 1930, so the reader can fit them with the correct years between
what the last MacGregor novel and the first McCoy novel's years are.
And lastly, bear in mind that all of these novels take place BEFORE
any of the movies. They are the complete saga of Indy's life up until
the time of the movies.
Hope this helps.


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