Re: Just my opinion...

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Posted by arkraiderr from on January 22, 1999 at 17:01:01:

In Reply to: Re: Just my opinion... posted by Groo on January 21, 1999 at 22:13:29:

: Okay, 'Indiana Go-Joe', I have heard just about enough of people bashing TOD. Arguably, Raiders is considered the best thus far because of it's brash originality - although it was blatantly copied from serveral earlier serial works of the 40's and 50's. TOD is a GREAT film in it's own right. The cool thing about this film is that you don't have to have already seen Raiders to relate to Indy or the series that shows the kind of offbeat life that Indy leads - how he gets sucked into adventures while circling the globe. However, it fits PERFECTLY in the trilogy, or did you just want to see Indy galloping around some desert killing Nazis AGAIN?!?! Genuinely original is the best phrase to describe this picture, even though it is loosely based on an earlier film called Gunga Dihn or something like that, dealing with the Thuggee in India. Admittedly, Kate Capshaw's constant squealing does wear on a person's nerves somewhat and a 10 year old kid's(Shorty) ability to take out about 15 grown men does seem a bit unbelievable, but EVERYTHING that Indy does IS BELIEVABLE. All acts of heroism and strength are within the bounds of plausible thought, so I really don't understand what you mean. For that matter, do you really think TOD was over the top and the other two films were not? The whole series is based on (and I hate to quote Sharon Stone but) suspension of disbelief. Anything that Indy does at that moment when you see the film for the first time seems understandable and believable. The problem we hardcore fans get into is that we analyze the crap out of every single onscreen second.
: BTW, I personally think that Crusade was the WORST film of the trilogy and the only thing 'they' messed up was putting out that clunker. It's weak story is probably the reason Lucas doesn't really want to make Indy IV - not to mention Ford's aging.
: Opinions are like a**holes Regards,
: Groo

: P.S. You want to talk unbelievable, how about when Indy is on the ship Coronado and knocks out two sailors w/ one blow. I don't know how many men you have ever punched "Indiana Joe", but that just isn't possible. But hey, lighten up, the Y2K bug will get us all;)

tEMPLE OF DOOM BELIEVABLE??? HAH HA THATS A LAUGH- Tell you what jump out a plane in a life raft and if you live, then i will say all of TOD is believable.

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