That whip...

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Posted by Webley from on January 23, 1999 at 08:27:18:

In Reply to: Re: Raiders nitpick posted by red four on January 22, 1999 at 22:16:20:

: : : Two things here--

: : : When Marion is first untied and tries to run out of the tent, Belloq tells her that the desert is "three weeks in every direction". Then Indy steals the truck with the Ark on it and its only a few miles to town!
: : : (Also, how is the hiding place for the truck ready to go? I suppose Sallah could have gone ahead of the truck, but it feels like Indy left after the truck real quick after talking to him and Marion on that little hill)

: : : This one is small but has always bugged me:
: : : When the nazis that fall from the truck carrying the Ark are shown from the point of view of someone looking out the back, they are rolling towards where the truck just came from, rather than the direction its going. I'm wondering if this is an homage to the cheesy serials of the past or what? The stunt guys who did the rolling knew the proper way to go,I'm sure. (This scene has always brought me right out of the film, even more so than the bouncing boulder)

: : : The Indy movies are strange in that there are such obvious continuity errors, as opposed to the Star Wars movies which (so far) have very few.


: : : Thanks for listening,
: : : John
: : -----------------------------
: : Also, they were looking for the Well of the Souls in Tanis. Tanis is in the eastern delta of the Nile, not the desert. And the Well of the Souls is not in Egypt. And in the bar scene in Nepal, the Nazi's seem to be using Walther P.38's and Schmeisser MP38's in 1936, a year before the first prototypes were submitted to the German military. Just a thought.

: Terrific! Its always fun to watch for these little things.

: I want to clarify that I was talking about continuity in this sense(logic problems, anachronisms) rather than bloopers (like in Star Wars where the trooper bangs his head on a blast door). There are errors in any film, I just know the ones in the Indy films from watching them umpteen times.

: And as for things just not making sense, have you ever tried to get a bullwhip to wrap on a tree and let you swing on it? I got a whip when Raiders came out (I was nine) and spent hours trying to do what appeared very easy in the movies. Even if you could finally get it to hold, it was next to impossible to get it loose.

: Anyway, I was a dork (probably still am)
: John

Indy was an expert in using whips with many years of training.
Didn't he made his whip himself?
I once made a whip with some old leather shoe laces and it worked great but that was many years ago and that whip is vanished.

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