Slight Correction

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Posted by Chris Kivlehan from on May 05, 1999 at 09:28:47:

In Reply to: Indiana Jones and the LAW OF ONE!!!!!!!!!! posted by Dietrich on May 05, 1999 at 06:56:02:

As the person who wrote the article of which you speak, I have a correction: you say I didn't realize that Sons of Darkness was a fake. If you actually read the introduction text, you'll realize that I mention the following scripts are either rejected drafts _or_ spec scripts written by budding screenwriters hoping to catch Lucas' eye. The latter is exactly what SoD was. FYI, Raiders of the Fallen Empire wasn't mentioned because there's simply not enough info out there about it (and it could only fit a couple rumored scripts in because of space constraints).

Best Regards,

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