Why does Indiana go after the artifact(s)?

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Posted by Durron Mitchels from spider-tm082.proxy.aol.com on July 09, 1998 at 10:25:17:

In Reply to: Re: PARAMOUNT/DREAMWORKS/LUCASFILMS posted by Adam on July 06, 1998 at 11:35:00:

This has been puzzling me for "I-don't-know-how-long" about Indiana's purpose of going after the artifact(s). I know that the artifact(s) that Indiana goes after are priceless and that they're a part of history at some point.

But what is his TRUE purpose?

Yeah, yeah I know he wants to place that thing in a "museum" - that's all he claims. Why does he want to put a "sacred" item into a museum? Is it because of its purpose? Doesn't the dictonary define "sacred" as ". . . of or penetrating to religious objects, rites, or practices; not secular or profane. . . made or declaire holy. . ."

No one goes after "holy" or "sacred" objects! If you put it in a museum, then someone's liable to go in there and steal it, only keeping the item for themselves. I mean, wouldn't you go to a museum and steal the Holy Grail (if it ever was placed in a museum) for yourself? Hell yeah! I know I would. If something "holy" or "sacred" were to be placed inside a museum, chaos and riots would break out. Churches/church-goers would be protesting against the State. People from all religious backgrounds would be protesting against each other and the State. Nice picture, huh?


Did Indiana Jones ever found out what his morals were? Call me "old timer", but referring to the third sequel "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusades" - did Indiana ever learned anything from that event? I know that I have. I had realized that Indiana Jones had completely missed his purpose and morals to that adventure.

Yeah he was to go after the "Holy Grail"; and once he found it, he fell in love. Then everyone started dying from the Grail, instead of living. How could something that is suppose to help you live, kill you? Easy - it didn't. Greed is what killed them all, and almost killed Indiana. Greed is an obsession, something that can take over and control the mind and body. Once Elsa fell to her death (cuz of her own selfish greed), Indiana was her replacement. He too, was taken over by greed and obsession over this "Holy Grail". He didn't care about his life that was at stake; all he cared about was that goblet. He didn't realize what happened until his father spoke. Even afterwards Indiana still didn't figure out that love and to live is more important that a goblet that can save your life.

I would rather live and be with the ones that I love, than to go out risking my life on a goblet that can save it; wouldn't you?

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