Just my personal dilemma...

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Posted by Fall Guy from pool0646.cvx7-bradley.dialup.earthlink.net on May 02, 2000 at 02:17:33:

In Reply to: Re: sarcasm is appreciated: posted by Abner on May 01, 2000 at 21:40:18:

: One of the reasons I do enjoy this is that I feel it gives me more of an appreciation for what previous generations went through. While it may be "make believe" I think it also brings one closer to reality in the sense that it really allows you to reflect on how lucky you are in the year 2000. Today in America we are spoiled and don't realize how good we have it. Events like this remind me of that. Also, since it is a simulation of war without real death and all the other bad stuff, it is indeed fun if you enjoy learning about military history, collecting antiques, and camping outside (and the smell of gunpowder). If not, then the T.V. is always there to watch. Some of us just like to experience things in more than two dimensions.

: Cheers,
: Abner

Well, as I said, I don't believe that these events are objectionable. I also stated that in my opinion there is educational merit.

It is just that I find it questionable for myself to have fun with something that is based on actual events that have caused great suffering. There lies the problem I personally have with war games. Since they remove all the negative things like pain and death, only the adventurous fun stuff remains; and isn't that far from reality? That is why I also have a problem with movies that show extreme violence in an unrealistic "clean" [bloodless] way [that is typical of TV]. As for making real experiences, I wholeheartedly agree with you. Taking part in war, I may have no choice in that. But taking part in a fake one, I choose not to.

As I said this is my opinion, based on my views and experiences at this time in my life. Ciao, Fall Guy

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