TLC vol. 2 The Unreleased Music just arrived

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Posted by BMan from on July 17, 1998 at 09:30:45:

I just got Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Vol. 2 The Ureleased Music in the mail from Footlight.

I would echo Micah's comments from the front page. I'm curious as to the origins of the CD.

It's a very simple package. No foldout with pictures, etc.

I won't comment on the music- it's playing as I type, so I don't yet have a full impression, but I will make a few comments as to some interesting discrepancies I noticed.

As Micah said, there is no copyright information. That ubiquitous TM doesn't appear after the words Indiana Jones, as it does on every other item I own.

Also, the font for the subtitle Last Crusade is wrong. It's most noticeable on the R. Picky, I know, but it just doesn't look right.

One of the pieces is entitled "Into the Catecombs." I thought the correct spelling was catacombs, but that may be a British vs. American English thing.

Number 17 is the Main Theme from Amazing Story. I assume this refers to Amazing Stories, not Story.

And like Micah said, they refer a couple of times to Papa Jones. That's a little bizarre.

If you're an avid collector of Indy stuff, it may be a worthwile addition. I still haven't decided if it's worth the $40.


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