"Leave him alone, you bastards!!"

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Posted by New Jersey Hughes from dialup73220.speedfactory.net on April 16, 2000 at 21:30:09:

In Reply to: Who deserves the most credit for the success of Indy? posted by The Whip on April 16, 2000 at 13:02:54:

Anyone interested in declaring a moratorium on George Lucas-bashing? I mean, I've been really enjoying this forum a lot since discovering it, but if it's got a dark, sour underbelly, it's the inveterate demonization of Lucas that's really uncool.

I mean, some posts actually make 'humourous' threats of violence and death! I mean, does everyone really hate the guy THAT MUCH? Do some of you actually think that he's a negative influence on STAR WARS & INDY films? I say all this at the risk of sounding like a mindless fanboy; hey, I'll point out all the things I dislike in his work as much as anyone. I agree totally that the man has been involved in films that have ranged from the brilliant to the mundane, but just because we all despise Jar-Jar Binks and think PHANTOM MENACE was a mediocre film in a usually brilliant series, some us feel the need to kick the guy's teeth in?

Yeah, not every step up to the plate yields a home run, but when you're slammimg on the guy, please try to remember that, faults and all, the guy gave us STAR WARS and INDIANA JONES, and our generation got to experience all that, first-hand, in the theatres. Even if you find EPISODES II & III and Indy 4 to be the most awful films of your life, it can't ever take STAR WARS, RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK, and a lot of other swell films away you.

YOU may read this and say, "Jesus, calm down; I was only kidding" That's probably true for most of us, but if there are so many of us doing it, it ain't that funny anymore. I'll probably gonna get rapped in the mouth for saying all this; but, if I ever met George Lucas face-to-face, the first thing outta my mouth would probably an apology: "Sorry, man; the guys down in the front row who throw beer bottles at you don't speak for all of us."

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