Petersham ribbon-the answer!

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Posted by Greg from on January 15, 2001 at 11:37:41:

Here is the scoop on Petersham ribbon. What we are seeing in Raiders
was grosgrain ribbon, as it is seamed or has a bound edge. What we
see in half of the LC is grosgrain as it had a bound edge. What we
see on the Smithsonian hat is grosgrain as it has a bound edge. What
we see on some of the LC and all of the ToD photos have an unbound
edge (sawtooth) and is therefore referred to as Petersham ribbon or
Millinery belting. It is indeed used as a facing material inside the
hems and waists of women's skirts, and was often used in hat making
because without the bound edge, the ribbon easily forms a nice curve
to fit around the crown of a hat, which is invariably conical rather
than cylindrical unless we're talking about a top hat or a pork pie.
Grosgrain needs to be ironed into a slight curve in order to wrap
around the hat and fit snug against the crown. If you just wrap it
around the crown, it will be loose toward the top. I don't know if
this makes sense. I will see if I can scan some of the different
ribbon to show you all...I don't have a scanner so I will have to do
it at work. I'll also try to scan some photos of Indy's hats to
demonstrate the difference actually occured throughout ToD and LC.
Take a look at ToD photos closely. All of the hats in that film had
the Petersham ribbon. Take a look at the tank chase scenes from LC.
That hat has the Petersham ribbon. Not sure why the differe

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